“Johnson” is a dramedy on Hulu in its fourth season and has had a slow burn of acclaim. Its popularity is on the verge of exploding on the cusp of its new season.
The show stars Dejai LaRay, Thomas Q. Jones, Phillip Smithey, Derrex Brady, comedians Earthquake, D.L. Hughley, and a multitude of familiar household names. “Johnson” takes an honest look at four lifelong friends who share the same last name. The story follows the main characters as they deal with the myriad of issues that Black men face in their daily lives; love, financial, mental health, and fatherhood.
Recently, EUR talked with LaRay, who writes and produces the show as well as acts in it, along with former NFL player turned-actor Jones and Earthquake about the nuances of the show.
“These are four different guys,” said Jones. “Typically, there are stereotypes around Black men in general, and there are stereotypes around individual Black men. A specific type of Black men and also plays a part in the culture and how Black men are seen and how certain men are respected or disrespected. You see four different Black men, four different essences, four different complexions, four different energies, four different life ambitions. You see how they all fuse. The name Johnson is synonymous with the Black male experience. That’s why all the characters have the last name Johnson.”
We also talked to Earthquake about his feelings on the not-so-recent professional swipe taken at him by comedian Katt Williams. He answers in an ambiguous, intelligent, and poignant manner that many may not have realized he was capable of.
To see/hear the complete interview, click on the video above.
The fourth season of “Johnson” is slated to premiere on August 24.