*We’ve all done it before. You’re feeling a little hungry, so you go to the fridge hoping some of that oven fried chicken from last night is still there.
As you’re reaching for the yardbird, you see a large, highly poisonous eastern brown snake peering out at you from underneath the refrigerator.
Yeah, it’s never happened to me either, praise God. But it did happen to an Australian woman recently. And it gets better: soon after being caught, the snake laid 15 eggs…so if she hadn’t found it, she’d have soon had 16 new roommates slithering around her house.
The eastern brown snake is responsible for most of the snakebite deaths in Australia annually. It is the second most poisonous snake in the world.
I am trying very hard to breathe deeply and type calmly.
How in the hell the snake got in the woman’s house is anyone’s guess. But I’ve learned that under your fridge is a great home for snakes: it’s nice and warm and humid under there.
Kinda makes you wanna pitch the fridge and eat out all of the time, doesn’t it?
Read more at EURThisNthat.