*In the gripping world of the hit STARZ crime drama “Power Book II: Ghost,” Luna Lauren Velez portrays the character of Evelyn, a woman deeply entrenched in the lives of the Tejada family. As season three progressed, Velez’s character faced key decisions that could determine the fate of her loved ones.
In this exclusive interview with EUR, Velez delves into her character’s complexities and the dynamics of the hit series. This interview contains season three episode nine spoilers.
Evelyn is caught in escalating tensions and is a looming threat to the Tejadas, which ultimately leads to her demise. Velez shared that she wasn’t told prior that her character would die. Initially, she thought the murders were brutal. “The show’s writers were incredible supportive were incredibly supportive and allowed us, the actors, to discuss and explore the reasoning behind this particular way for the family to meet their tragic end. Ultimately, it added a layer of complexity and tragedy to their story.”
Evelyn always knew more than she let on. Lunez revealed why she believes Evelyn withheld the information about Monet’s involvement with Lorenzo’s death. She said it was to save her family: “Evelyn would do anything for her boys. And she calls them boys, not men because that is how she sees them.” Velez said it is also Evelyn’s long-standing connection to the Tejada family.
“They were once incredibly close, sharing meals and being a vital part of each other’s lives. However, when Frank went to prison, their dynamics drastically changed. Upon his release, Evelyn couldn’t locate him, and that disrupted the harmony they once had. Nevertheless, she understood their chosen life and made it her mission to preserve her family’s unity.”
She continued, “The decision to keep the peace and protect her loved ones was pivotal for Evelyn. She knew the risks and the possible consequences of the path they had all taken. She wanted to shield her family from further harm, regardless of her suspicions about Monet’s involvement in Lorenzo’s death. However, Evelyn’s unwavering commitment to her boys and the remnants of her family compelled her to take whatever measures necessary to ensure their safety.”
Velez added, “It is an absolute honor to be a part of the “Power” universe and specifically, “Power Book II: Ghost.” The show’s creators, cast, and crew have crafted an extraordinary narrative that resonates with viewers worldwide.
The level of dedication and talent on set is inspiring, and I am grateful for the opportunity to bring Evelyn’s character to life. The immense support from the fans makes the experience even better.
The “Power Book II: Ghost” season finale airs Friday, May 26 at 8:00 PM on STARZ and the STARZ app.
Jill Munroe is a Los Angeles-bred entertainment journalist, producer, and host. You can follow her on all social media @StilettoJill or check out JillMunroe.com.
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