*BEEF is the new Netflix series that follows the aftermath of a road rage incident between two strangers. Danny Cho (Steven Yeun) is a failing contractor with a chip on his shoulder who goes head-to-head with Amy Lau (Ali Wong), a self-made entrepreneur with a picturesque life.
The increasing stakes of their feud unravel their lives and relationships.
In celebration of the darkly comedic show, Netflix invited a mix of media and influencers to an afternoon mindfulness experience that included a confession booth, sound bath meditation, painting, and plant therapy.
The Rice Box LA provided light bites. The afternoon’s highlight included a conversation with recently retired fashion stylist Law Roach.
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Roach is responsible for iconic fashion moments from celebrities like Zendaya, Celine Dion, and Ariana Grande. He recently won a CFDA award for “Best Stylist,” yet announced his retirement on Instagram with a caption following the 2023 Academy Awards that read in part, “the politics, the lies, and false narratives finally got me.”
The theme of the afternoon was releasing your rage. Clips from the series were featured, with Roach describing the anxiety he felt watching the action build in episode one, “you don’t know who you are rooting for. Is it the guy in the truck or the white SUV?”
When host Anthony Allen Ramos asked the stylist what the craziest thing he ever did in a fit of rage was, Roach responded with, “quit my job.” Roach also shared that no one incident, in particular, led to his retirement announcement.
“It was the rage I had I had with myself,” he explained. “I think I’ve given so much of me to my clients and my career and to my success that I don’t know when the last time I was a priority for me. At that moment [when I announced my retirement], I had some things that happened, but I wasn’t mad at everybody on the outside. I was mad at myself. I figured out that I didn’t love myself. All of my rage was internal. In that fit of rage, I said, ‘you know what, get somebody else to do it.’”
Check out all ten episodes of “Beef” on Netflix.
Jill Munroe is a Los Angeles-bred entertainment journalist, producer, and host. You can follow her on all social media @StilettoJill or check out JillMunroe.com