*Leading up to the Mid-Term Elections, Social Media Influencers, community activists, Professionals, and powerhouse pro-Black American leaders of the Reparations movement for Black Americans, collectedly, will gather in DC for Tariq Nasheed‘s Pro-Reparations Rally otherwise known as the “Rally 4 Reparations” on the Washington Mall.
The historical event will spotlight, speakers outlining the Reparations debt owed to Foundational Black Americans, based on government sanction slavery, ancestry, and lineage. Families, students, and the public are invited.
Featured Speakers, include Rizza Islam, Tezlyn Figaro, Dr. Boyce Watkins, Professor James Small, Dr. Ma’at, Dr. Kaba Kamene, Congressional Candidate, Marcell Dixon, Connie Collins and other VIP special guests.
Saturday, November 5, 2022. Starting at 11am in Washington on the Washington Mall.
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Master of Ceremonies, Host: Tariq Nasheed, Co-Host: Jade Arrindell.
For info go to Rally4Reparations.com
#TariqNasheed #JadeArrindell #RizzaIslam #TezlynFigaro #DrBoyceWatkins, #JamesSmall #DrMa’at, #Marcell4Congress #ConnieCollins #DrKabaKamene