*And the hits keep coming! Brooklyn Nets Point Guard Kyrie Irving is now having his Nike partnership suspended after his tweet promoting an “anti-semitic” film. The consequences are beginning to pile up on Irving after he tweeted a link to a film, deemed as anti-Semitic and called ‘Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.’
Despite Irving sending apology after apology, he was still recently suspended by the NBA for 5 games without pay. Irving was expecting to lose roughly $2.2 million in salary from his baller gig, but now he’ll be facing another big loss.
Nike has now suspended their partnership with Irving, thus canceling the release of his shoe, the “Kyrie 8.” Last season, the baller made $11 million from his deal, and his shoe has been one of the top 5 best selling signature shoes at the company.
A statement from the global brand reads, “At Nike, we believe there is no place for hate speech and we condemn any form of antisemitism. To that end, we’ve made the decision to suspend our relationship with Kyrie Irving effective immediately and will no longer launch the Kyrie 8. We are deeply saddened and disappointed by the situation and its impact on everyone.”
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Here’s reaction from the peanut gallery:
I am a middle-aged, white man and I agree 100%, that anyone that promotes antisemitism , racism, bigotry, or hate speech should be questioned and if they continue possibly cancelled . But why are we targeting two accomplished black men like Kyrie and Kanye and give people like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene a pass because their politicians that are white ? ????
gerald king:
I want ESPN to make Brett Favre do a public apology along with the Governor of Mississippi. And pay back that damn money, cause they should be in prison.
Lekram Nosnevets:
This is all proof that journalism is no longer bound to truth. I own a copy of the documentary and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING anti-semitic about it. I think it should be fitting that all of these reporters should be held accountable for the LIES that have been spread about Kyrie amidst no viewing of the documentary.