*A British father of three adorable little girls left them in a room for one moment to take a phone call in the next room. He also left a bag of flour on the kitchen table.
By the time he returned, the toddlers had that flour scattered all over the place, including their bodies and hair.
Watch the unedited video below:
What had happened was…
DJ Abz Musa, 34, from London, took a call from his sister on the phone, and left Nalah, two, and twins Sadè and Mallie, one, in the room with the TV on while he dipped into the next room.
When he returned a few moments later, all hell had broken loose after one of them climbed up onto the kitchen table and got hold of the flour, leaving the entire room coated.
After one of his daughters ran into his bedroom covered in the ingredient, Abz rushed to the living room and filmed the mess his children left behind.