*Yesterday, Rev. Jesse Jackson stopped by SiriusXM Headquarters in New York City to sit down with host Clay Cane of “The Clay Cane Show” to promote his new book ‘Keeping Hope Alive’ which is available for purchase in stores and online.
Rev. Jackson told Clay how he hasn’t endorsed anyone yet and said “we begged him [Joe Biden] to support Anita Hill and he supported Clarence Thomas. His crime bill created a whole industry locking up young black people..it was nothing but another excuse to wipe out young black men.”
Clay asked about his feelings regarding a billionaire like Bloomberg entering the race and Rev. Jackson said “billionaires..are honorable and they’re fair. It’s just that they must pay their fair share of taxes. So we Americans, we support the right to be rich, but also be fair.”
Audio clips below. If used, please credit SiriusXM and SiriusXM’s The Clay Cane Show (weekdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET on SiriusXM Urban View channel 126) and photography to Maro Hagopian with SiriusXM.
Rev. Jesse Jackson – We Begged Joe Biden To Support Anita Hill And He Supported Clarence Thomas
Host, Clay Cane:
Have you endorsed Bernie Sanders? Have you endorsed anybody? Because you’re from South Carolina.
Rev. Jackson:
I have not endorsed anyone yet because my focus is on voter registration. When I came out of high school in the late 50s, there were fifty thousand blacks in South Carolina. There are now a million blacks in South Carolina, a million as of last Friday, a million. That means that it had the second-highest number of elected officials back in the country since Mississippi. There’s a guy named Jaime Harrison running for the Senate. He can beat Lindsey Graham, if we move with hopes and not our fears. We can do the same thing in Mississippi. Ex-slave states on the move…. South Carolina has about a 20% black population, it’s an 80% jail population… We begged him [Biden] to support Anita Hill. He supported Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill. His crime bill created a whole industry locking up young black people.

Host, Clay Cane:
You advocated against it, you’re on camera. You advocated against that crime reform bill.
Rev. Jackson:
Of course, because it was nothing but another excuse to wipe out young black men.
Rev. Jesse Louis Jackson Sr. – Should we allow billionaires to be presidents
Host, Clay Cane:
What are your thoughts on that? As somebody who ran for president, to have a billionaire like Bloomberg just jump into the race in November and then pump out all this advertising?
Rev. Jackson:
Well, it’s legal. Definitely must challenge the laws that make it possible. In football, if you are a billionaire, a freshmen one set of the rules, two sets of rules always side against us, and so, I mean, some Americans are billionaires. Shaq is almost a billionaire. Michael Jordan is almost a billionaire. Something about billionaires is they’re honorable and they’re fair. It’s just that they must pay their fair share of taxes…the top one perfect you could put fifty billion dollars in black colleges, you can wipe out the health care crisis. You close that gap. So we Americans, we support the right to be rich, but also be fair.
Chelsea Kaufman | Manager, Corporate Communications
[email protected]