Saturday, May 4, 2024

In The Midst Of a Storm: Eat 10 Foods to Help Fight Depression & Anxiety


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10 Foods to Help You Fight Depression and Anxiety

 Sometimes genetics and lifestyle choices are the cause of depression and anxiety. Eating certain foods can help us combat these maladies. Unfortunately, we can’t always cure depression on our own, but we can make little changes in our lives to help fight it. One of the ways we can fight depression and anxiety is by eating foods that are good for our bodies and our minds that triggers our bodies to produce the natural feel-good hormones God made.


  1. Whole Grains Lighten Your Mood

If you want to improve your mood, try a healthy, high fiber carbohydrate like whole wheat bread, muffins or pasta. Carbohydrates increase serotonin production; serotonin is the “feel-good” hormone that improves your mood brain. Whole grains also help maintain a steady blood sugar level, which keeps you from experiencing the dreaded “Hangry” feeling. (Hungry + angry)


  1. Dark Chocolate Fights Depression

Dark chocolate can aid in your fight against depression when eaten in moderation. The reason is its large amount of antioxidants, and its ability to boost endorphins and serotonin. (The feel-good hormones)


  1. Berries Bring You Joy

These delicious little fruits are blasting with antioxidants and vitamins! All berries should be incorporated into your meal plan as much as possible because not only do antioxidants boost your immune system and can thwart cancer, but they can play a key role if you suffer from depression. So, enjoy them with your cereal, add them to your smoothies, or simply pop them in your mouth! Yum, yum!


  1. Walnuts are Brain-Boosters

Most nuts are excellent sources of protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. But walnuts have the highest antioxidants level than any other common nut. Their high omega-3 fatty acid content helps to lower depression and supports overall brain health. So, the next time you’re feeling blue or anxious, grab a bag of walnuts to munch on. (Question: What does the walnut in its shell remind you of?)


  1. Salmon Boosts Brain Power

Speaking of omega-3s, fatty fish like salmon are also great sources of this fatty acid. Not only is fish great for boosting your brain health and fighting

depression, but they are excellent for your overall health, too. Eating fish regularly can help improve circulation and reduce inflammation. The American

Heart Association recommends eating two servingsof salmon, or other fatty fish, a week.


  1. Eat Dark Leafy Greens to Combat Depression and Anxiety

Eating dark leafy greens are probably the healthiest, most nutrient-dense food for mental stability. Spinach, kale and Swiss chard can help anyone suffering with depression and anxiety.


  1. Good Food Choices for a Good Night’s Sleep

Today’s supermarkets offer a bounty of seeds from across the globe.

Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds are rich in the God-given nutrients they’re filled with to help us calm down from a crappy day. When we munch on His goodness in these seeds, we gain the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in flax, chia, and hemp seeds that our brains enjoy. Our production of serotonin and melatonin found in pumpkin seeds drowns out the crazy of a crappy day to give us to restful sleep at night. (Have you ever had to do some last minute baking before bed and discover you need an egg? Well, let set for about 5 minutes 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 2-3 tablespoons of water… voila! An egg.)


  1. Beans to Lift Your Mood

Did you know that beans are great for our overall health? They’re high in protein that aids in the building and repairing of cells in our body. Beans are also rich in iron, folic acid, carbohydrates and fiber, but low in cholesterol. Beans are good for our heart, and for our mind. Beans contain selenium, which is known to lift the mood.


  1. Avocado: Good Fat For Better Brain Health

This delicious fruit contains the beneficial omega 3’s, tryptophan (for the production of serotonin) and other vital nutrients for the brain. Try its goodness on toast, in a smoothie, as guacamole, or eaten with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. You will soon reap the benefits of this super food to help calm the brain and fight anxiety.


  1. Mushrooms: a Superfood For the Brain

Mushrooms are good for your mental health because they help lower blood sugar levels, soothes an anxious mind, and promote healthy gut bacteria, and the gut is where 80 to 90 per cent our body’s serotonin is manufactured. Mushrooms can be eaten a variety of ways and in a variety of dishes! Enjoy them raw in salads or tossed on a pizza, to fight depression and anxiety!

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