*If this story about Usher having 0ver $800,000 dollars in jewelry and cash stolen from his home, we don’t know what we’d do if we were in his and his estranged wife’s shoes. Oh yeah, did we say the thieves also got away with the security footage, too! Sheesh.
According to a police report filed with the LAPD, Usher’s estranged wife, Grace Miguel, reported the singer’s house had been broken into. Miguel says she was notified of the incident by the housekeeper on March 29, according to The Blast.
The housekeeper told Miguel that when she arrived at the home that morning, she “discovered a footprint on the second floor, a handprint on the pillow in the lower floor, and the curtains to the lower floor window were open.”
According to Miguel, when the housekeeper went to check the recording box where the security camera footage was kept, “she noticed that the recording box was missing and connecting wires were cut.”
Miguel says when she arrived at the house, she verified some jewelry had been stolen and when she called Usher to tell him what happened, she discovered that cash was also missing from a box on the nightstand (approximately $20,000, according to the report).
Miguel told police she believed the thieves must have unlocked a window in the home during a recent open house (the house is currently on the market). She said she had reached out to the realtor to get a list of people who had been to the open house and would turn it over to police when she had it.
Miguel said she believed the thieves had stolen the jewelry earlier in the week and then returned to get the security footage. She told police that the week before, the housekeeper had noticed one of Usher’s rings was missing, but she just assumed it was with him. A few days later, the housekeeper noticed the jewelry was missing as well, but again assumed Usher had it.
As for the items stolen, The Blast notes there were six watches among the lot (the most expensive of which was $220,000) and a rose gold Jesus necklace worth $200,000.
Hmm, if you’re a celeb and you’re keeping that kind of cash and jewelry in such an unsecure way, well … you’re just setting yourself up to be ripped. Tighten up your security!