*Good grief! Talk about coming off as bat-sh*t crazy! That would be Candace Owens, the crazed conservative that Kanye West thinks so highly of. “I love the way Candace Owens thinks,” the rapper tweeted not too long ago. In this case, we’re referring to her appearance on Ari Melber‘s MSNBC show, “The Beat” on Tuesday (08-07-18) to debate Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson.
Needless to say, it didn’t take long for the segment to go completely off the rails. Essentially, Owens gave one of the most insane interviews we’ve seen in quite some time. Trust us, we didn’t use the bat-sh*t crazy description casually. Some would even argue that this woman come across as disrespectful, unintelligent and possibly even mentally ill. Not only did she talk over the host, but she talked over Professor Dyson.
Melber first brought up President Trump‘s rhetoric to ask Owens, “Do you think he is embracing a type of racial division that is problematic for us to operate as a civil society?”
She didn’t address Trump’s remarks directly and said they should be talking about the recent crime and killings in Chicago, saying she doesn’t like “tearing apart the black community for the sake of television” and claiming MSNBC “always invites me on to do that.”
Melber responded, “You knew what you were invited to discuss, and we’re happy you’re here. It’s very important to me and this show that we have these conversations and invite a lot of people of all perspectives. If there’s a problem with that, I think you knew what the invite was to begin with.”
At that point one wonders why Melber didn’t tell her to leave if she wasn’t willing to talk about the subject she was invited to discuss in the first place. In any event, she proceeded to do just what we thought she would: act a complete ass. Check it above for as long as you can without getting mad at yourself for watching this maniac.