*This news hits hard, today especially. I mean, because of the unusually hot temperature, I make sure my dogs don’t even stay out long.
So to hear that a child was accidentally left in a van; where the temperatures rise to unspeakably hot levels, within a short period of time, hurts beyond compare.
Police in Orlando responded to a call about possible child neglect around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning at a daycare called Little Miracles Academy. According to CBS affiliate WKMG, they found a 3-year-old boy dead. He had been left in an SUV for more than 11 hours.
Charges are pending against a careless day care worker who allegedly neglected to do a head count after taking children out of the van at around 9 a.m.
It’s no surprise that the employee is distraught. We know not the identity, but he or she damn well should be!
Read more and watch a video report at EURThisNthat.