*One day a story such as this may not even be necessary.
One day people may actually respect another’s race, religion, sexual orientation and politics. But real talk: that day ain’t here yet.
So today, we are sharing the story of how a white man walked into a Black man’s barber shop and made a daring request…and left in one piece.
Will you give me a Confederate flag cut?
OK, I’m getting a little ahead of myself. But I had to set the stage for you, right?
“He seemed kind of scared when he first came in,” barber Demontre Heard, who gave the cut, told NewsOne about the yet to be identified customer. When the guy first came in he had originally asked for a different cut; one that paid homage to his favorite group, Slumerica. The design would have been a flag with stars and lightning bolts. But it was going to be too complicated so he asked for a Confederate flag instead.
Of course the request turned the barbers head…at first.
Watch the video report at EURThisNthat.