*Even beyond racial profiling. African Americans are subjected to countless microaggressions on a daily basis .
This article, or excerpts thereof, originally appeared on AlterNet, and they are the latest in a new series of articles on the site called Fear in America that launched this March.
They are excellent displays of real life while black and living in America. Whether its acknowledged or not these issues are always at bay. And the potential for them to rear their ugly head always lurks – no matter a black person’s economical status or level of education. And as for those of a higher social influence, it may be harder to see sometimes, but its there. Yes, Caucasian people, its uncomfortable to hear about. You may be downright sick of hearing about it. As a matter of fact, it seems you are hearing about it every damn day now.
And guess what, you’re right. The only thing more challenging would be.
Living it…every day.
Here are a few examples of things we have to be afraid of that white people don’t (or not nearly as much).
Read more at EURThisNthat.