*Debbie Allen Dance Academy (DADA) has partnered with Hasbro’s Entertainment One Studio and its forthcoming animated TV series, “Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes.”
According to a news release, the series follows the high-action adventures of dance and martial arts-loving Kiya and her best friends Jay and Motsie. Per the official synopsis: In “Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes” main protagonist Kiya, together with her friends, use their crystal-charged powers to become superheroes in the southern-African inspired Kimoja City. 7-year-old Kiya’s passions in life are dancing and martials arts, but when Kiya and her friends put on her magical crystal headbands they turn their passions into superpowers and are ready to shine bright to make things right, as they face challenges and spread joy and harmony across the city.
As the series’ exclusive dance studio launch partner, per the news release, the collaboration will include DADA-led Kiya-inspired lecture demonstrations at local elementary schools, combining unity and harmony concepts from the series with the universal language of dance to show how dance brings people together and builds community.
“The themes of ‘Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes’ really resonate with me as they mirror much of what our dance academy instills in the young people we’ve inspired through the years,” said Debbie Allen, Founder and Artistic Director, DADA, in a statement.
“Kiya inspires kids to tap into their unique passions to find power in who they are. Passions are what give the characters’ their superpowers and the series, like DADA, invites kids to see their own passions as heroic aspects of themselves,” Allen continued.
The partnership between Debbie Allen Dance Academy (DADA) and “Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes” officially kicked off at DADA’s Free Community Block Party on Sunday, February 26 in Los Angeles as part of a Black History Month. The “Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes” booth provided an immersive experience to the 3,000 guests that attended and featured life-size illustrations from the upcoming series, complete with a themed crystal-inspired hair station, plus photobooth and photo opportunities, and giveaways, per the news release.
“’Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes’ is a show which celebrates confidence, diversity, and community. Kiya and friends are regular kids who transform their passions into powers to overcome challenges. We’re thrilled to partner with the Debbie Allen Dance Academy given the work they do to inspire and drive confidence in children through dance and performing arts,” said Jessica Murphy, SVP, Entertainment Brand Marketing of Entertainment One.
“Kiya & the Kimoja Heroes” is set to premiere on Disney Junior and Disney+ on March 22.