*A New York City model is taking legal action after she was wrongly committed to a psychiatric ward, stripped naked, and drugged.
Abeba Davis, 39, says she visited the emergency room at Queens the Hospital Center in January 2021 to obtain medication for her treatment following a sexual assault.
When she reported the attack to the NYPD and filed charges, the department assigned her to the social worker. As reported by Daily Mail, after speaking with the social worker at the hospital, Davis was escorted by staffers to the facility’s psych ward, made to take her clothes off, given unknown pills, and ultimately committed for at least 10 hours.
“I’m begging. ”Please, I’m not crazy.” And they’re like, ”Yeah, yeah,” because the person next to me is also saying they’re not crazy,” Davis told the New York Daily News.
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Model claims she was wrongly committed to NYC psych ward when picking up anti-anxiety prescription https://t.co/IJL4rpDT3E
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) May 16, 2022
“No one hears me, I was just like nothing to them. I was just a naked black girl sitting in the corner begging to get out saying, ”I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy.”’
Davis said there was no discussion with the social worker about a mental health evaluation. “She didn’t say anything about me getting a psychiatric evaluation,” said Davis.
Once staff brought her to the psych ward, Davis said her personal belongings were confiscated and a security guard blocked the door to the exit.
Davis said she was transferred to a room and “surrounded by mental patients.”
Per Revolt, a doctor reportedly wrote in their notes, “Patient has no mood or psychotic symptoms, denies suicidal/homicidal ideations” and also noted that the “Patient has fair insight and judgment.”
When her social worker returned several hours later, the woman apologized and said that they made a mistake. Davis was released the same day.
Davis said the event left her so traumatized that she had to move to Florida. She has since filed a lawsuit with Queens Supreme Court against the hospital.
“It’s that worst nightmare where you know the more you try to get the attention of the orderlies to tell them you’re not crazy, the more that you are playing into the narrative for an orderly that you should be there,” Davis’s attorney, William Igbokwe, said.