*During his latest YouTube show with the theme “High Value Men Cheat,” self-described image consultant Kevin Samuels called out a woman who dared to question the topic, saying she had no business doing so because she was built like an NFL running back.
Meochia Simmons was among several Black women speaking with him on a Zoom chat. Samuels first told her she could either “buy a dog, die alone or get a girl” if she’s unwilling to accept a cheating “high-value” man, because cheating is “our nature.”
When Simmons suggested that dating “high-value” men should have “rules and regulations,” Samuels cut her off and began asking about her measurements and dress size. She revealed being 5 foot 8 and a size 16.
“Alright, you broke the first rule right there,” he said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about that a man shouldn’t cheat or whatever when you broke the first rule that men want women who are fit. You weigh more than a man at your height. True or false?”
Simmons mentioned that she’s dated a lot of “chubby dudes.” Samuels cut her off again and got her to reveal that she weighed 220 pounds. After spewing more neanderthal dating opinions, he told Simmons that at 5 foot 8 and 220, “You’re about the size that Emmitt Smith and Barry Sanders were. You’re a running back size. You can hit the A-gap like a mother f**ker.
“So don’t come in here talking about what men should not be able to do when they gotta accept somebody who can run out the power I.
Watch below:

Here’s that entire episode: