*“The Morning Show” season two premiered on Apple TV+ on September 17 and Julianna Margulies (“The Good Wife”) joined the cast as UBA news anchor Laura Peterson.
Laura has known Alex Levy (Jennifer Anniston) for many years and could potentially cause more tension between the two…
Margulies shared what one of the show’s creators did for her when they offered her the role – which had never happened in her decades-long career!
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Jill Munroe: What attracted you to the role of Laura?
Julianna Margulies: Journalism has always intrigued me. I dabbled in it in college, just for a minute. I’m really fascinated by who journalists are and this idea of seeking truth. When they offered me Laura, Kerry Ehrin (creator of “The Morning Show”) did something I’ve never had happened before as an actor; she gave me a 20-year history of this character. So when you meet her, you do so at a place in her life where she has gone through the fire. She was fired early in her career as a morning show anchor because of her sexuality. So she has worked hard to figure out who she is, get rid of all the people in her life who weren’t supportive of her, and go back to her love of journalism, back out into the field for the love of journalistic endeavors. She came back and was rewarded with being in the newsroom as a night anchor. No more morning show host; she was the real deal. So much so, now she’s the network’s star. The person they go to for all the big interviews, that Diane Sawyer type stature. That was exciting for me because all the characters in the show seem to be hiding something. They all seem to be constantly in flux, not trusting and having different agendas.
So, when you meet Laura, she’s this pillar of calm. She knows exactly who she is; she’s comfortable in her skin. She’s been there, done that, and she has no ulterior motives. So it’s sort of like allowing the audience to see all these characters that you saw from the first season through Laura’s eyes. I think that’s a brilliant way of showing the paranoia you see Alex go through. The absolute drowning that Bradley Jackson (Reese Witherspoon) is going through. Not knowing who to trust and thinking she’s in control. Laura just looks at them all. I felt like Laura was like the audience, looking at these people, so you can understand how crazy this environment is. So it was a lot of fun for me.
Jill Munroe: If you were to select one character from “The Morning Show” to profile, who would it be?
Julianna Margulies: If I could pick one of the characters to profile and get to the truth of the matter, it would be Corey Ellison (Billy Crudup).
New episodes of “The Morning Show” debut on Fridays through November 19.