*A Florida history teacher who took it upon himself to redefine the N-word by removing its racial element was secretly filmed by his students and shared on Tik Tok. The series of videos have racked up over 2 million views and the matter is now under investigation by the school board.
The student who filmed the video, known only as “Hector,” kept the camera on selfie mode, but the Island Coast High School teacher can be heard telling his students that slave owners did not whip their slaves. He also told his students, “The N-word just means ignorant. It doesn’t have any other meaning in any other vocabulary other than you are a stupid person. You are ignorant. You are not well-read. You are not well educated. That’s what it means.”
Debbie Jordan, chair of the Lee County School Board, said the video is under investigation.
Lee School Board member Gwynetta Gittens said the word has so much more meaning and deeper hurt.
For the record, Merriam Webster defines it as an ethnic slur directed toward a Black person.
Watch the video below: