*H.E.R. is a soulful R&B singer, who plays electric guitar with the style of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton. Yet, she has her own style of singing and her own manner of playing the guitar.
While it is more common to see female singing recording artists playing piano during their performances, it’s a bit more of a rarity to see the combination of a female singer-electric guitarist, especially one that has designed a Fender Stratocaster for the iconic guitar maker. In essence, she is the first Black woman to have her own signature Strat, which she showcased when she appeared on “Saturday Night Live” this past October (2020).
As the show’s musical guest, H.E.R. performed her new single “Damage” and debuted “Hold On.”

During the two-time Grammy-winner’s extraordinary vocal showcase on “SNL”, it was difficult to miss her guitar brilliance and even harder to miss the uniquely designed guitar she was playing.
“The H.E.R. Stratocaster makes a statement as bold as the artist who inspired it,” said a Fender company executive.
“I’ve looked up to a lot of guitar players, but there haven’t been many Black female artists who have been in this position and have been able to represent Black women,” H.E.R. said. “The goal is to inspire with this guitar.”
H.E.R. adds that the idea of what’s she is doing as a guitarist goes beyond inspiration, as she wants to leave a legacy.
“The legacy I want to leave is just to inspire and pass the torch on to the next girls who want to kill it on the guitar,” said H.E.R.