*Former Fox Sports commentator Jason Whitlock, an unapologetic advocate for Donald Trump — interviewed No. 45 at the White House Wednesday for his new gig at Outkick.com, a newly launched website that features Whitlock and Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis and focuses on politics and sports.
On the eve of Trump’s last Presidential debate with Democratic challenger and former vice president Joe Biden, Whitlock asked him if he has any changes in strategy from the previous debate.
“No, but I’ll listen to you,” Trump told Whitlock. “If you have any ideas, I’ll take them.”
“Let Joe Biden talk,” Whitlock told the president. “He’ll do the work for you.”
The 15-minute chat Wednesday also touched on Trump’s disconnect with Black America.
“I know I look incredibly young, but I actually have lived long enough to remember back when rappers loved…Donald Trump before he was president,” Whitlock said. “What changed your relationship with Black celebrities, entertainers?”
Trump reminisced about the 87 rap songs he said he was featured in.
“It was always Trump, Trump, Trump this. My daughter would call me, ‘Dad you’re in another song,'” he told Whitlock.
“Then when I ran for politics, there was like a wall,” Trump said. A wall that shouldn’t be there, the president said.
Trump then regurgitated his usual, “Nobody has done for the Black community what I have done … Prison reform, criminal justice reform.” He went on to say that for 100 years Democrats have had the black vote on lock.
“It’s a habit. It’s almost habit to vote for a Democrat,” Trump said. “Now you have a lot of (Black) people going into the Republican party.”
An hour before the interview aired, Whitlock appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to promote it and spoke about Trump’s appeal to Black men.
“I think we’ve been carrying on a façade for three and a half years as Black men that somehow we can’t relate to Donald Trump, that we didn’t celebrate him in hip hop music for decades, that he wasn’t friends with countless Black athletes, celebrities, entertainers,” he told Carlson.
“The masculinity of Trump, he represents the patriarchy,” Whitlock said. “He is not politically correct. Those are things, I’m just, I’m sorry, a lot of Black men can relate to. It’s not really surprising to me he’s starting to make head way in that direction.”
They also talked about Antifa being the “modern day KKK,” and Whitlock praised Trump for intervening to get Big Ten college football back.
“The other reason I am here is college football. In 1984, me and my dad were in a 400-square-foot apartment,” Whitlock said. “The only people looking for me were college football coaches. Getting a college football scholarship changed my life. Your help getting Big Ten football back rang true.”
Trump told Whitlock he worked quickly to make it happen.
“When I heard that the Big Ten was out, I said ‘We got to get them open,'” he said. “I worked very hard for a very short period of time, very focused…we got them thinking about it …and we got them to do it.”
By the end of the interview, after Whitlock called Antifa the “modern day KKK,” Trump couldn’t get enough of Whitlock, telling him, “You are so smart and you are so right and Antifa is a disaster. I have a lot of respect for you.”
Watch below, if you can stomach it.