*Tina Lawson was asked about her ex-husband’s cancer diagnosis while on the red carpet at the grand opening gala of Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday.
ET’s Kevin Frazier spoke with Tina about her former husband Mathew Knowles, who recently opened up how the disease has impacted his life.
Mathew was previously married Tina, for 33 years before they separated in 2009. The divorce was finalized in 2011.
“Thank God he [discovered] it very early on, and he is going to be fine. I’m [calling] it,” Tina said.
Knowles said the first noticed something was off in July, when drops of blood kept showing up on his shirts, he told The Times.
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“Imagine a piece of white paper and you took a red pen and just put a dot,” he said. “That’s what it looked like in my T-shirt.”
His wife of six years, Gena Avery Knowles, also noticed blood on their bedsheets.
“So, I squeezed my nipple and sure enough, a little discharge came out, bloody discharge,” he said. “I immediately called my doctor.”
Mathew said he was diagnosed with BRCA2 gene mutation, which increases certain cancer risks, the report states. He has urged his famous daughters, Beyonce and Solange — whom the shares with Tina — to have the same test done.
“My two daughters have an increased chance in having breast cancer,” he said. “They have an increased chance of ovarian cancer. And it goes down to grandkids.”
Meanwhile, Beyonce, Tina and her husband Richard Lawson were among the A-listers who turned out for Tyler Perry’s big event over the weekend. Bey even shared some photos, and a touching message for the movie mogul on Instagram.
“Congratulations to Tyler Perry on the opening of his studios,” she wrote, alongside a slideshow of photos of herself and husband JAY-Z,. “I could feel our ancestors’ presence. Surrounded by my heroes, I watched Denzel, Queen Oprah, Spike, Whoopi, Sir Poitier, Will, Halle , Dame Cicely and our angels John Singleton and Diahann Carroll honored.”