*Iowa GOP congressman Steve King did it again. The “again” is to tell the truth about his unabashed pride in being a white nationalist. You can hate everything he says and stands for. But you got to at least like his honesty on this.
However, King’s blunt feel good talk about white pride, Euro-American superiority, and the converse inferiority of anyone else finally got to a few of the GOP’s leading lights. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott called him a racist. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy claims he’ll have a talk with him and maybe even dump him from a few House committees. The two-step march back from him makes by the GOP regulars makes good copy for media and public consumption.
But really who’s kidding who? King isn’t saying anything about white nationalism and his love affair with it that he hasn’t said before. That’s many times before in one variation or another. In fact, he has made a political career out of saying the most outrageous, inflammatory racist quips and digs a sitting congressperson could think of. The nine-term incumbent got away with then and now because he knows two things will happen when says what he honestly feels.

One. He’ll get loads of press attention and that in turn means lots of chatter about how terrible a guy he is or a wink and a nod that that’s just King being King again.
It’s the second thing, though, that’s the most telling. Before his latest verbal outrage, not one top GOP party leader or elected official uttered a word of disapproval, let alone outright condemned him.
That’s been par for the course for the GOP through decades of King’ racial broadsides. Before now, GOP apologists shrugged their shoulders and claimed that some GOP figures criticized King. That’s true, but the GOP figures they’re talking about were GOP outliers. There were no elected officials or top party leaders among the King alleged critics.
The other lame explanation for their silence is that keeping their mouths closed about King is the best way to make sure that his racial bile doesn’t get any media or public shelf life.
This might make some sense except for one thing.
Read the rest of this article/essay at The Hutchinson Report.