Good Riddens! Racist Congressman Steve King Voted Out of Office

*Iowa state senator Randy Feenstra beat GOP Leader Steve King, a Republican congressman with a history of being racist, Tuesday night. It was high-time for King to get the boot. He has openly supported white supremacy on live television, and referred to other ethnicities as “subgroups.” The Iowa representative once released a video that showed […]
Earl Ofai Hutchinson/Here’s Why I Like (White Nationalist) Steve King: He’s Honest
*Iowa GOP congressman Steve King did it again. The “again” is to tell the truth about his unabashed pride in being a white nationalist. You can hate everything he says and stands for. But you got to at least like his honesty on this. However, King’s blunt feel good talk about white pride, Euro-American superiority, and the […]
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: There’s a Good Reason the GOP is Silent on Steve King’s Racism
*Iowa GOP congressman Steve King has made a political career out of saying the most outrageous, inflammatory racist quips and digs a sitting congressperson could think of. The eight-term incumbent knows two things will happen when he pops off. One is that he’ll get loads of press attention and that in turn means lots of […]
GOP Leader Steve King Supports White Supremacy on Live TV
*While the media was freaking out over Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama, black news websites were reporting that Republican Congressman Steve King talked up white supremacy on live television. Soon after, a Trump delegate was removed for using the N-word. It’s been another grim month in urban news, but a major news story from the […]
Steve King Clarifies Claim that White People Have Done More for Civilization Than ‘Subgroups’
*Rep. Steve King, who set social media aflame over his comment about “white people” doing more for civilization than any other “subgroup,” is now claiming that he was actually referring to “Western civilization” when referring to “white people.” The Iowa Republican had said Monday on an MSNBC panel, “This whole white people business, though, does get […]
GOP Congressman Seeks to Block Harriet Tubman from $20 Bill
*A Republican congressman has launched an effort to block the Treasury from redesigning U.S. currency, a move that could prevent the government from replacing Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill with abolitionist Harriet Tubman. Rep. Steve King of Iowa has offered an amendment to a spending bill barring the use of funds […]