*During the Hot Topic segment of her show this week, Wendy Williams touched on the pregnancy rumors that have been surrounding Cardi B for the past few months.
The rapper is said to be preggers by her fiancé Offset, but has yet to confirm. Last month, TMZ reported that members of Cardi’s team revealed that she was pregnant during Super Bowl weekend. Recently, the Daily Mail posted pics of her on set filming a music video and hiding what appears to be a massive baby bump.
“I still don’t think she’s pregnant,” Wendy said, after reporting the latest gossip that Cardi is furious at someone “in her team” for leaking the news.
“She is,” says an audience member.
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“Is she?” Wendy asks the woman who claims Cardi is indeed expecting her first child.
“Excuse me? You know for a fact?” And that’s when Wendy leaves her host seat to walk over to the audience member and press her further.
According to reports, the confident female informer was sat next to artist Jeanette Hayes and Wendy shoved her way in the seat beside them.
Below is a transcript (via Jezebel) of Wendy’s conversation with a woman who claims she saw Cardi B at a photoshoot three months ago… with a baby bump.
WENDY: Who are you?
NIKKI: Hi, I’m Nikki.
Hi Nikki…Are you friends with Cardi B?
No. No. I’m not friends with her.
Where did you see her?
I saw her with the full bump.
Where? On TMZ with the rest of us?
No no no no no, in person!
Somewhere. It was a photoshoot.
And did she have on a lot of tulleing in front?
No no, she was, you know.
What as she wearing?
Like a high-waisted skirt I think? She was trying to cover it.
Uh huh. She’s pregnant.
She’s pregnant.
When’s the last time you saw her?
Watch the moment go down via the clip below:
#PressPlay Oop #CardiB what’s the ☕ via: @wendyshow
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