*In today’s must see videos, we’ve got the gorgeous Taraji P Henson being featured in a new trailer for the upcoming film, “What Men Want,” We’re also going to share footage of an incident in Tulsa, Oklahoma that shows a Korean hair merchant, punching a black woman with his closed fist, giving her a bloody lip.
But first, let’s begin with timely, never before seen footage of Aretha Franklin speaking on her legacy. Here’s how she responded (in 2012) when EUR associate Keith O’Derek asked her how would she like to be remembered:

In “What Men Want,” a straight up take off of “What Women Want,” Taraji P. Henson plays a struggling sports agent who makes the mistake of drinking the tea a crazy looking Erykah Badu gives her and ends up with the ability to know all Tracy Morgan’s thoughts about toast. Trust us, it’s hilarious. 🙂 The flick will be in theaters on January 11.

In our last clip, the owner of a beauty supply store in Tulsa, Oklahoma was caught on video punching a black woman in the face so hard it drew blood.
Video of the incident, which surfaced Monday, shows Changseok Jun, owner of Ann & Jun’s Beauty Supply, punch customer April Harding in the face after her 3-year-old son took a .99 cent key chain as they left the store Sunday. Harding suffered a busted lip that required three stitches.
Jun has since been charged with assault and battery and is scheduled to appear in court Sept. 12. A judge is expected to rule on what happens next.

As a result of the incident, foks in the area have launched a boycott of Jun’s business. A concerned group of people gathered outside the store on Monday urging folks to take their business elsewhere.
On social media, people went back and forth regarding who was in the wrong and if the attack was racially-motivated.
“No, she did not hit him first,” activist Shaun King wrote. “[Jun] stalked her out of the store, berated her non stop, and as she walked away and put her hand up to get him away, he punched her from behind with a closed first. He bloodied her mouth.”
” … I do think the response was disproportionate and done in retaliation, not to protect himself,” a woman chimed in. “Again, I wonder if he would have made the same choice if she was a white woman.”