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*Michelle Wolf has zero regrets and gives zero effs about the conservative backlash surrounding her comedy set during the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night.
The comedian told NPR that she knew what she was getting into in accepting the gig and “wanted to do something different” in choosing to play to the “outside audience and not betray my brand of comedy.”
A friend who assisted with the writing reminded her to “be true to yourself” and “burn it to the ground,” which she said helped keep her on point.
People who have ripped her for her remarks about White House Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, including those who said Wolf went after Sanders physical appearance, did not “pay attention to what was said.”
“If there [are] two people that I actually made fun of their looks on Saturday it was Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie, and no one is jumping to their defense,” she said.
Sanders seemed to suggest that Sanders should get over herself. “There’s plenty where you could look back and the camera was on Obama when people were making pretty aggressive jokes about Obama and he was laughing. Having the ability to laugh at yourself is important.”
Besides, Wolf suggested, Sanders was just reaping what she had sewn, having been hostile to the journalists earlier in the event when she pointedly declined to join everyone else on the dais in standing when certain journalists were given awards for their work.
“They came up to accept [the awards] she sat the whole time, while we all stood and shook their hands,” Wolf said of the dais. “I would say if this is about celebrating the media, she wasn’t there to celebrate the media.”