*Wow! The price we women pay to slay. Fellas just don’t know.
Many women grew up hearing if you shave those unwanted hairs, say, on your arms or legs, they will grow back even thicker. Frightened out of our minds at this prospect, you might have a natural tendency to view the video below with a side eye.
Why? Because it shows you how to shave your entire face to get rid of that unsightly peach-fuzz. And women all over have secretly been doing it.
YouTube Beauty Expert, Kirbie Johnson, admittedly shaves her face. She said ever since she was young she had thick blonde hairs above her lip and fuzz all over her face, which made her feel insecure. But after a reality show beauty admitted to shaving HER face, Johnson decided to go all in too!
She ran right to the store to get some razors and she hasn’t looked back since.
Now Kirby is using her YouTube channel to show you how its done.
Watch the video at EURThisNthat.