*He tried to get their attention, to let them know what he was going through. He wanted the teachers at Holy Angels Catholic Academy to know about the constant, merciless bullying he had to endure by five boys who used to be his friends. But 13-year-old Danny Fitzpatrick said the teachers “Didn’t do ANYTHING.” So the Staten Island, NY boy with a smile that we now know hid a lot of pain, had enough and chose the only way out he could manage…
Danny, who was found by his 17-year-old sister, Kristen, with a belt around his neck, in the attic of his family’s home last Thursday, left a detailed letter that will break your heart (scroll down). The letter had actually been written last month, after the school recommended Danny should “repeat seventh grade at another school.” But the letter stayed with Danny.
According to the Daily News (Scroll down for video report), who was granted an exclusive interview with the family the morning after their son was found, Danny is said to have written, “I gave up,” on two sides of a single sheet of paper. “The teachers . . . they didn’t do anything,” he said, obviously beyond distraught.
The family shared the letter with The News.
In a 17-minute video, Danny’s father, Daniel Fitzpatrick, said through tears, “My son’s story is out there for the world to see. The pain that he went through. I miss my son very much. No parent should have to bury their child. No child should have to go through what my son went through.”
The clearly devastated father continues…
“What they put in the paper is true. It’s in our own words, his words I should say.
The shame of it all is that there are stories out there that speak of how heartbroken the staff at the school is. While I don’t doubt this is true, Danny’s letter only speaks of one teacher who helped him; but says even this help was not lasting.
Article continues at EURThisNthat.