Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Google Earth and Ancient History Hunter Discovers Egyptian Art and Monuments at Pyramid Lake California

“There’s no art that is not religious, there is no religion that is not philosophical there is no philosophy that is not science, and their is no science that is not art.” — Ancient African Mystery Schools

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Secrets of the First Americans
“When the world was young and this valley which is now dry, parched desert was a lush hidden harbor of a blue water-sea which stretched from half way up those mountains of the Gulf of California,” it is said that the Hav-musuvs came here in huge rowing – ships. They found great caverns and in them built one of their cities. At that time California was the island which the Indians of that state told the Spanish it was, and which they marked on their maps.

“Living in their hidden cities, they ruled the sea with their fast rowing -ships, trading with far-away peoples and bringing strange goods to the great quays said to still exist in the caverns.

“Then as untold centuries rolled past, the climate began to change. The water in the lake went down until there was no longer a way to the sea. First the way was broken only by the southern mountains, over the tops of which goods could be carried. But as time went on the water continued to shrink, until one day it was gone.” — Oga Make, author of the story is a Navaho who revealed this secret which he learned from the Paiute natives, who inhabited the Mojave of California. The article appeared in 1948 issue of FATE magazine.

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Native American Legends of California
The Modoc tribe tells that “thousands of snows ago,” their was a “Great Sprit” who lived within the mountains, tellers of robed persons emerging from the forrest, who’s dress and culture were different than any other early American indigenous, people of the time, especially in the California nations, they were very distinctive in features and completions; tall, graceful, agile with a protrusion in the center of a very high forehead ( penial gland ) it was said to be a special organ enabling them to communicate by telepathy.”

The indigenous Paihute of Southwest America’s history states that an ancient people first colonized the massive caverns within the Panamit mountains thousands of years ago, around 2500 BCE. During this time Egypt ( Kemit ) was experiencing over 600 years of expanding intellectual culture and accomplishments. At this ancient time Death Valley was a part of the Inland Sea connecting it to the Pacific Ocean. When the seas dried up these people – who were described as wearing flowing robes draped over one shoulder, head-bands holding back their long dark hair, and bronze – golden skin – out of necessity begin to develop their collective knowledge and intellect and soon after began to construct “silvery flying canoes.” At first these flying machines possessed wings, were relatively small, and flew with a dipping movement and a loud “whirring” noise. As time passed the ships became wingless, grew larger in size, and flew even more smoothly and silently.

Eventually moving their civilizations into deeper caverns which they had discovered further underground. The ancient ones have apparently had inter-planetary or inter-stellar travel for 4,000 – 5,000 years since they first developed their flying machines.

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Pyramid Lake The-Grapevine
Driving over Southern California’s, Grapevine, the San Emigdo Mountains are apart of the splendor and beauty of this scenic route, it’s one of the few traverse mountain ranges – running east and west – in the Americas. The home of picture-perfect Pyramid Lake, a recreational spot were there are literally hundreds or maybe thousands of small, medium and large pyramids, all over the mountain range and the lake’s surrounding areas

Wikipedia and history books will tell you that overzealous engineers as part of a joke cut stone into pyramid shapes to break up the grueling monotony of the mountain excavation and freeway construction. Believe it or not. This traverse range joins together the Coastal Mountains to the west with portions of the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Extending from Interstate 5 on the east to Highway 33-166 on the west, forming at the most southerly end of a gigantic horseshoe. Highest point 7,492 feet. Most of the San Emidgo mountain range landscapes are made up of mostly Quartz, one of the most common minerals found on earth. Crystal healing is actually thousands of years old.

Quartz has also been crucial to the development, technology and advancement in today’s sciences. Because Quartz has unique properties such as piezoelectricity, energy storage and amplification abilities, it has helped create modern tools of technology including lasers, optics, computers, communication systems, ultra sound, television, radio and much more.

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Memory That Last 1 Billion Years
The external 5D data storage chip, discovered recently can preserve the history of mankind forever, or at least millions of years, according to researchers at Southhampton University in the UK.

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Shark tooth former inland sea

California’s Inland Sea
The valley within the San Emigdo mountain range was once an great inland sea, in a coastal bay fronting where Bakersfield now stands, the waters swarmed with giant 40-foot sharks and countless other large marine animals long extinct. Collectors have been digging up fossils at Shark tooth Hill for decades.

The Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway was a sea that divided the eastern and western portions of North America for over 60 million years. Also know as the Cretaceous Seaway, the Niobraran Sea and the North America Inland Sea, it stretched from the Artic to the Gulf of Mexico, extending from present day Utah to the Appalachian Mountains. For this reason marine fossils are common in the Great Plains of North America ( it was in this region that many huge whale-like animals were discovered.)

The Western Interior Seaway was a large inland sea that is said to have existed during the mid to late Cretaceous period as well as the Paleogene, splitting the continent of North America into two land masses. The ancient sea stretched from the Gulf of Mexico through the middle of the United States and Canada, meeting with the ARCTIC ocean to the north. At its largest, it was 2,500 feet deep, 600 miles wide and over 3,000 miles long.

In Search of the Ancient California Blacks – Memory in Stone
Google Earth Discovery shows the presence of an Ancient Egyptian civilization in California. Found among the many computer graphic photos taken recently, they reveal a highly advanced civilization who’s technology and building capacity seem other-worldly. Their scale, precision and technology is breath-taking and far exceeds 5D (dimension) or 10D (dimension), for that matter. The architecture, precious stone cutting, and mega stone placement in such an inhospitable place is mind blowing. They are the biggest monuments every built. Period. This undeniable evidence appears everywhere, in some cases the freeway has been built around them or runs directly threw the large monuments disguised as mountains.

Stone buildings, art and statues can be found on almost every mountain, mountain tops, valleys, and land mass. Their architect and construction, surpasses Africa/Egyptian, and South America monuments resembling no other construction I have ever seen.

It appears very organic, (*Fibonacci Code ) and nature driven, mimicking plant growth patterns and concepts from insects and reptiles behavior as inspiration for specialized tools and instruments used, also utilizing advanced mathematics and the golden ratio.

The Land of Ra – Ancient Egyptians Civilization Found in America
Of the many exceptional digital graphic photographs, discovered through utilizing Google Earth are, huge monuments, Egyptian cobra, statues, Sun God Ra – serpents, the All-Seeing-Eye of Egypt, pyramids of course, beautiful art-work, and the Sky God Horus.

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Whitewashed History
American and global world history is a complete white-washed fabrication, full of fantasy and blatant lies, told by foreign invaders.

Based on all the recent scientific discoveries, monuments and ancient cities discovered, new archaeology, and ancient cave art that dates back over 150,000 years. Its clear that our earth is far older than we have been taught and indeed advance civilizations traversed the globe in very, very ancient times.

Beloved Black global ancient history expert, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima proved decades ago Blacks were the first people/civilization in the Americas. Pre dating Columbus, Native Americans and the Asians crossing the crossing the Bering Strait by 56,000 years, according to his book, “They Came Before Columbus.”

With the discovery of the Olmec heads in Mexico it’s clear that there were countless civilizations that predated the Inca, Aztecs and Maya in ancient America.

However history books do not reflect the new historical data; the new discoveries are ignored or denied. Our schools continue to teach obsolete fake history or European’s propagandized interpretation of it.

Their partner in “hiding the truth” and dissemination of false lies would most definitely include the mainstream media and Hollywood. Collectedly they have destroyed, hidden, distorted, manipulated and benefited from this forbidden knowledge, science and archaeology. They all are aware of the existence of many ancient global highly advanced civilizations – that would make today’s accomplishments seem outdated and very elementary. Think Europe during the dark ages.

The ruthless greed, plundering and destruction of ancient text, knowledge and the “people of the sun” has recessed the growth of our civilization by maybe a million years.

Foreign invaders involved in the evil plot were Europe’s kings, queens and the Catholic Church who have purposely stunted the growth of civilization and intentionally plunged the population back to the Stone Age.

The unspoken historical truth is that most ancient discoveries reveal a Black advanced technological civilization skilled in mathematics, longitude, latitude, physics, geometry, astrology, sacred science, the golden numbers of phi, and circumference of the earth, dating back to antiquity. All over the globe, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and everywhere in between, new evidence proves the ancient world population at that time was a majority Black and Brown ancient people.

Because of the white supremacy doctrine of kill, destroy, steal and erase, history around the globe has been suppressed. Only the accomplishments of European have been acknowledged, taught and celebrated, the past 300+ years. Even the history of the Moors who ruled Spain for over 800 years has been erased and buried.

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The Dawning of Aquarius
Based on the graphic photos, this advanced hidden American civilization would had to have been in the Americas for hundreds of thousands of years. Disguised as mountains, the gigantic apparatus appear to be ancient machines which held advance knowledge like the memory in a computer chip along with built-in monument maintenance tools, equipped with stonecutting and placement abilities.

Their knowledge of advanced technology, quartz memory, lazors, hydraulics, advanced mathematics, quantum physics, the golden numbers, sacred science, and phi, are undeniable.

Hidden in plain sight, the ancient machines have been disguised as mountains, to blend into the existing landscape and in fact millions or maybe billions of people have driven passed, hiked, camped out or just enjoyed the beauty of the traverse range without having a clue. This practice of hiding the distant past, by disguising them as landscape, appears in other parts of the world including China’s Forbidden City.

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Grand Canyon – Black Egyptians
Egyptians in the Grand Canyon has long been rumored and relegated to myth although G.E. Kincaid the explorer who reported this discovery mysteriously turned up dead. He claimed to have stumbled across an ancient Egyptians city, found in the Grand Canyon. In 1909, a newspaper article was published by the Arizona Gazette about his sensational claim. Since that time that part of the canyon has been blocked from independent exploration or research by the Smithsonian Museum.

However this new Google Earth discovery just may blow the lid off of the hidden history and secrets of ancient America and her original inhabitants. With this new knowledge it’s it is no longer a fairytale but a proven fact. Not only were there Egyptians living in the Grand Canyon, but they were also at California’s Pyramid Lake and Crystal Lake and surely living on other traverse mountain ranges through-out the America’s, in the very ancient pass.

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History of Pyramid Lake California – Ancient Stone City
California history tells us the Pyramid Lake is a man-made lake and was constructed as a back-up Aqua dam for Southern California. They say that it’s 800 feet deep and is a wonderful recreational spot. Although there has been rumbling for years by drought stricken valley residents, cattlemen and farmers, about the high water levels in Pyramid Lake. While California is experienced an extreme drought, Pyramid Lake seems not to be affected, with water levels remaining extremely high.

Based on the recent Google Earth discoveries we now know why it’s important to keep water levels at Pyramid Lake high. There appeared to be structures at the bottom of the lake when the dam was built.

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Summer Solstice
Just in time for the summer solstice, June 21, 2016 may well be recalled as the year of Aquarius, a moment in time when the stars again aligned. This ancient find should go down in history as a monumental time of discovery when ” the people of the sun ” and all things hidden in the ancient past would again rise from the east, like the Sun God Ra, claiming their rightful place back into ancient world accomplishments and global history – let it be written.

Black Pharaohs in America – Who were the Global Stone Builders?
Colossal Monumental structures around the world have many things in common. The golden ratio, phi, Sacred Science, advance mathematics, quantum physics, geometry and more.

Astronaut spaceflight training utilizes mathematical equations to communicate with any advanced civilization they may encounter in outer space. Mathematics is thought to be a universal language. NASA includes math equations placed in a capsule on all lunar spaceship flights.

But what’s obvious and very clearly being ignored by mainstream academics is recently discovered monuments and ancient structures all have advanced mathematical abilities. Astronomy, physics, a knowledge of building with monumental huge stone, lazors, illuminatation, grid hydraulics, computer technology, and architectural genius. Other hidden civilizations that share this ancient knowledge are the Africans – Egyptians, Olmecs, the people of Mexico, Peru, China and Angkor Wat in Cambodia among others.

Atum The Lord of Totality “Father of the Gods” People of the Sun
Atum the Sun God is one of the most important deities in early Egyptian history. Before the worship of humans in the ancient world, nature/cosmic worship was the order of the day.

The universal “serpent” as the first God dates back to the beginning of time, in the old kingdom of lower Egypt-Kemet. That is where the creator God, Atum was introduced , his name literally meaning “Everything” and “Nothing.” He was the Supreme Creator, and protector of the royal family.

Egyptian mythology, according to the Book of Coming Forth by Day and the Ancient Mystery System, is where the creator of the universe, Atum, first appeared as a serpent, dwelling in the chaotic waters know as “Nun” before he created the world.

The appearance of Atum as a serpent represents renewal of life for the ancient Egyptians, a symbol of his eternal nature. In the “Pyramid Text,” Atum is presented as the maker and patriarch of the king/pharaoh heritage. He is considered the father of the Pharaohs, the Sons of Ra. This account was actually written several thousand years before the bible story.

Atum is the creator of the Uranus, or crown of Ra, with the upright cobra snake. He’s also the first to introduce the all-seeing eye of Horus … the eye of Ra, both used to protect the Kings and Pharaohs. He is later depicted as a human male, seated on a throne and wearing a crown sometimes he has the head of a ram.

Communication Through the Universal Language of Math
In conclusion, all the ancient civilizations are communicating loud and clear through advance mathematics. Meanwhile, mainstream scientists and antiquity scholars, are covering it up and ignoring the new found facts.

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By plundering ancient America’s great wealth, distorting a civilizations legacy, and back-engineering whatever technology they could, the European conquest has systematically thrust America back the “dark ages,” as they did in early Europe.

By utilizing a method of mass destruction as a colonizing war tactic, they enslaved the world, while intentionally miseducating the early inhabitants and their descendants, claiming stolen land, great wealth and economic equity for Europeans and their descendants.

Based on all the facts, the foreigners did not come to ancient America for discovery or to spread Christianity. They came to conquer and enslave.

*Golden ratio – Fibonacci Sequence 1.618 Taught to the Greeks at the Ancient African Mystery Schools the method of advance mathematics, the numeric value of Phi. The scared science of the golden ratio can be found in all nature from sea shells, plants, flowers and the human body.

Ancient Africans – Egyptians, and others ancient megalithic monumental stone -builders all built their structures using the same dimension.

Diane Blackmon Bailey, Engineer, Freelance writer, researcher, photographer, graphs back-engineering developer, ancient stone whisper. Contact her via: [email protected]


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