*Master P and his wife Sonya Miller have been embroiled in an ugly lawsuit for quite some time, and following their divorce, their son Romeo Miller, was pulled into the legal drama – as his mother filed a lawsuit against him, claiming that his father is using him to hide money in their divorce settlement.
Late last year, Romeo went on Instagram to share his feelings about being sued by his own mother, saying:
“I haven’t spoken to my mother in months due to advice she’s taking from her lawyers,” he wrote. “It sucks because the only reason I’ve ever worked so hard was to make my mother proud.”
READ RELATED STORY: Romeo Miller Responds to Mother Suing Him with Emotional Letter
“As thankful and blessed as I am, sometimes I think things would be easier if I wasn’t famous,” he added. “Fame for me is part of my job, but I would trade it all just for my family to have happiness once again.”
The rapper/actor has taken to IG once again to express his love for his mother, while at the same time, blame shady, greedy lawyers for the family turmoil. In a lengthy Instagram post, Miller explains:
Today I should’ve been in bed resting/rehabbing my hip but instead I was in court all morning due to my mother’s greedy lawyers (fyi although I’m being sued by my mom I still love her more than anything on this planet). I’m not here to get in details, because we all are going through something that is gonna make us a lot stronger one day, but I just want to remind you that #greed has taken the whole universe, and nobody is worried about their soul. Money will tempt you. Money will turn you into a slave. Money will corrupt the people around you. But most importantly, money will come and go!One of my favorite quotes ever is by Mahatma Gandhi and it says, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” Well said Ghandhi, well said.
What do you think of Romeo’s comments about his mother suing him? Tell us in the comments below.