*L.A. Reid has a new memoir out called “Sing to Me” and in the tome, the super music exec is opening up about his business relationship with the late Whitney Houston and admits to failing her.
Reid appeared on “The Wendy Williams Show,” to discuss the book which was released this week, and explained that one of his biggest regrets was that he orchestrated Houston’s infamous Diane Sawyer interview that tarnished her image and further cemented the rumors that Houston was using drugs.
“I was so naive. I didn’t realize that there was an issue. I said let’s get Whitney with Diane Sawyer and promote the album,” Reid explained to Williams.
He added:
“She asked her the question about substance abuse and when Whitney said, crack is whack, my mouth dropped. I felt like I really failed her. My job is to protect talent and try to present them in a way that people will love them. My job is not to drum up controversy or drum up gossip.”
We’re not sure why Reid feels bad about hooking up that interview. Whitney was a grown woman and was ultimately responsible for her own actions like everyone else.