*Many educators got into teaching because they love having the opportunity to shape young minds.
They have a passion for their work and take great pride in what they do as a result. It is the model teachers set in classrooms across the world, that will enable students to approach learning with a sense of confidence…or feelings of defeat.
So if a teacher tells a student, “you’re doing great! Keep up the good work,” this student will leave that class with his head held high and shoulders squared.
Now how do you think a student who a teacher calls “dumb”…in front of the entire class, mind you, will fair?
No wait. Let’s say it the way it was said to her.
“I have been around for 37 years and clearly, you are the dumbest girl that I have ever met.”
And then, to add insult to injury he added, “You know what your purpose [is] going to be? To have sex and have children, because you ain’t gonna never be smart,” he continued.
Obviously, he didn’t know he was being recorded.
Watch the video report where you can hear this teacher insulting the student at EURThisNthat.