Angela Bassett on Kissing Scene with Lady Gaga & Plan to ‘get her off her game’!
*Host Aisha Tyler asks Angela Bassett about her love scene with Lady Gaga in “American Horror Story”, “What conversation did you have right before?”
Bassett responds saying Lady Gaga walked in just before their scene saying, “Hi, are you nervous?” And Angela said, “Yeah,” but then reveals, “Maybe a little bit of that was a little head-fake…to get her off her game just a little bit!”
*Actor Morgan Freeman visits “The Talk” and recalls Nelson Mandela’s reaction to the Oscar winner’s portrayal of him.
Freeman says, “He didn’t say anything about the performance… He watched it and he said; ‘Well now maybe they will remember me’…He was a very powerful man…but he was not taking himself all that serious.” Freeman goes on to discuss his cookie nabbing moment on stage at Sunday’s Academy Awards.