*Publish AFTER 2 p.m. today I’m having trouble writing this as my hands are shaking and my knees are weak. After a month on the…slither, Elvis the King Cobra was found, hissing under a clothes dryer in a garage.
Back on September 1, a guy who keeps exotic pets and has a history of losing them lost track of a eight to 10 foot long poisonous king cobra. Mike Kennedy and his serpentine companion live in Orlando, Florida.
Florida. What the hell is going on with my peeps in Florida??
olks on social media named the snake “Elvis.” Get it? The King.
“It’s funny he has a name now,” Kennedy told Bay News 9. “We never named him, but the public has.”
I don’t find anything “funny” about a huge poisonous king cobra on the loose, no matter what his name is!
While I’d have been all shook up, animal control experts went on a snake hunt for Elvis. Turns out he’d travelled just a few 100 feet from home, and curled up under neighbor Cynthia Mullvain’s clothes dryer in her garage. Over a month after Elvis went missing, Mullvain heard something hissing behind the dryer, and thought she might have cause for concern. So she did what any good neighbor would do.
Pass out? No.
Get water baptized and wait for the Holy Ghost? No.
Find out what she did at EURThisNthat.