*Actor/Comedian, social critic and philanthropist Dwayne Mooney, (“Fish That Saved Pittsburgh”) son of the legendary comedian, Paul Mooney and one half of the duo comedy act the Mooney Twins recently released “Sacred Man.”

The controversial book concerning a term quickly spreading in popularity, polyamory is about opening relationships. The 30 page book is packed densely with useful information detailing how men can introduce polyamory to their women and how couples can more easily move past resistance, and emotional road blocks to successful relationship transitioning.
“My book is about accepting the truth about the nature of both men and women. And it’s about men standing in their power and enjoying freedom- unapologetically ~ while supporting women to do the same. This world revolves around love. If a man loves more than one woman, then that’s good. No more suffering. I am encouraging men. In this book, I reveal how to do it right.”

“Sacred Man” also attempts to teach men how to grow into their natural roles for women. The author says that when a man can stand firm with a certain power taught in his book, he can more easily influence positive change in his women. He can help his women calm the emotional fires that blaze for scenarios in life and also with the idea of sharing their men. Plus, he can also strengthen his manhood with principles taught in the book.
The author, who resides in Hollywood, Ca., first started thinking about writing a manual for celebrities after considering certain relationship issues common with them. He considered that celebrity couples often break up when they can’t get past infidelity. “At least that’s what they think,” Mooney said.
“The truth is they’re really breaking up behind unrealistic expectations. One or both partners can’t face the natural and inevitable reality of things, particularly in entertainment.
“When life is lush with wealth, access, and power, it’s just a fantasy to think that a rich and famous man won’t seize the freedom to enjoy his success – and with more than just one primary mate. Hey maybe it happens, but I don’t think it’s a reasonable expectation,” Mooney said.
Mooney expounded on those thoughts and meanwhile his personal life began to flourish while dealing with multiple women; his wife, girlfriend, ex wives and a never ending influx of new interesting lady friends. As a result he developed a passion to reach men from all walks of life and share with them secrets for creating abundant love.
With “Sacred man” Dwayne Mooney positions himself to help men & women work smoothly past what he calls ‘old paradigm’ resistance to abundant love. He calls this transition process: the journey to the Sacred Man
“Sacred Man” the book is dedicated to progressive-minded men and women everywhere: particularly those who are ready for relationship freedom and deep, abundant love ~ real love. According to the author, “Sacred Man” is how and why to do it.
“Sacred Man” is available digitally on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013IBSL1C?*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Dwayne Mooney, his wife and girlfriend are featured on Season 3 of Bravo’s “Newly Weds: The First Year” airing in the spring of 2016.
Mooney is available for relationship services; council and support through social media; private and group chat rooms, blogs and private consultations. Contact: [email protected] Or visit him on social media. See below.
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About the author:

Dwayne Mooney is polyamorous. He’s also a comedian, motivator, Forex trainer and the founder of The Wealth Portal, Inc. and the Forex Success Club. Dwayne is best know as one half of the comedy duo, The Mooney Twins.
He currently resides in Los Angeles where he lives with his wife five days of the week and stays with his girlfriend two days of the week, as well. He also dates other women. His mission is to help people live life on their own terms with minimal stress and with great fulfillment.

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