*Comedian Ms. Pat revealed she has never dated outside her race, citing the belief that white males do not prefer larger women.
“White men only like fat women if the couple is extremely poor. White people with money don’t want no out-of-shape white fat bitch,” she said in the Nov. 22, 2023, episode of the TigerBelly podcast with Bobby Lee.
As MadameNoire reports, the discussion began when Ms. Pat proposed that white males invented “eating vagina” to compensate for areas where they lacked success sexually, contrasting it with Black men’s prowess in penetration.
Ms. Pat could not confirm this theory via personal experience with white males because she believes they don’t date fat women.
“They give [their] fat women to Black men, or they kill them,” Ms. Pat said. “You don’t watch Madlock? ‘Bitch, I said lose weight!’ And hits ’em in the head with a brick.”

Ms. Pat is married but agreed with the podcast host, who said she could get “white dick” if she wanted it.
Watch the conversation via the IG clip below.
The Instagram blog Talk Wave Junction shared the Ms. Pat interview, and one commenter said, “This is something that I’ve never heard articulated before, but once she said it, truth bells rang.”
Another IG user added, “I literally said “southern white man like em thick” , then she said “ only if there poor” n I was like 🤐”
A third person wrote, “Her own people told her that. Not one single white peron!! Shit no other race but her own told her that!!”
Another person noted, “White and Asian men both give their fat women to black males.”
READ MORE: Stars of ‘Ms. Pat Show’ Take on Tough Topics in Season 3 | EUR Video Exclusive