*You probably have seen that list of restaurants where women do not want to go on a first date. Ok, let’s talk about unapproved first-date locations
I’m not sure who these women are who were surveyed to come up with the list. I – for one – don’t agree with the entire list and I’m sure a lot of other women feel the same way I do.
Why is it that outliers feel compelled to speak on behalf of the rest of us, making all of us look like unreasonable, money-grabbing women who are more interested in an image than in the character of the man we are dating?
Click the video above to hear my list of unapproved first-date locations.
Steffanie Rivers is a freelance journalist living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. Email her at [email protected] with your comments, questions and speaking inquiries. Follow her @tcbstef on Instagram, Thread, and Twitter.
MORE NEWS ON EURWEB: Woman’s Disastrous First Date at The Cheesecake Factory Goes Viral | Video