Apple’s new mini-series “The Crowded Room” stars an ensemble cast, including Tom Holland, Amanda Seyfried, Will Chase (Nashville), and Emmy Rossum (Shameless). The series follows the troubled life of Danny Sullivan. A young man who is facing trial for a shooting at New York’s Rockefeller Center.
As Danny’s defense team argues for a not-guilty verdict from the jury. They explore his childhood by focusing on his toxic upbringing to gain empathy. But when Danny’s mom, Candy, takes the stand the defense team doesn’t get exactly what they were hoping for. Candy, played by Rossum, is in denial about their family secrets. And how those secrets have affected Danny as an adult.
We spoke to Rossum about her role and if being a new mom allowed her to pull from her motherly instincts.
“I think it brings up a lot. I’m playing a young single mom who’s 25 when we meet her. We watch over time as the decisions that she makes. The mistakes that she makes have huge consequences”, said Rossum. She goes on to say how this character brought up feelings of mom guilt.
“Of course we’re moms but we’re also people. We are a product of the way we were raised,” added Rossum.
With the series taking place in the late 60s parents did not talk to their children much and most certainly didn’t discuss any traumas that occurred in the family. As a single mother for the first few years, Candy did the best she could and later after getting married, she continued to do what was best for her family even if that meant sweeping major issues under the rug. As much as this series is about Danny’s trial and the crime he allegedly committed. It is also about the unique love and bond between mother and son.
Watch “The Crowded Room” only on Apple TV+ Friday, June 9th.