*On Monday, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit revealed the cover of its 2022 edition featuring reality star Kim Kardashian, singer Ciara along with two other cover models, Maye Musk and Yumi Nu. Kim graced the front mag rocking her own SKIMS brand for the cover (shot by Greg Swales in the Dominican Republic). Ciara looked stunning in her cheeky swimsuit with her long water wave hair.
In an interview with the magazine, Kim shared how excited but shocked she is to be on the cover at her age. “I vividly remember Tyra Banks on the cover and women with curves. I remember just thinking, That was cool. That was cool!” Kardashian says in a sit-down video interview for the new issue. “But I still didn’t think that I would ever— I thought you had to be a professional model and a runway model.” She adds, “And it’s always really young girls. I don’t wanna date myself or sound old, but in my 40s? Like, that’s crazy. I never thought in a million years that I would be shooting one myself.”
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MJ Day, editor-in-chief of SI Swimsuit, said in a statement to People, “the journey we’ve been on — to break out of the mould the world put us in — may sound familiar. It’s certainly familiar to the women we’ve chosen to be our cover models: Maye, Ciara, Yumi, Kim. Of course, Kim, no stranger to the world’s judgment, continues to live proudly, authentically, and unapologetically through the noise.”
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