Fans of the six-part Netflix documentary series “Cheer” are already familiar with Jerry Harris, the affable student-athlete on Navarro College’s killer cheerleading squad. The show follows the Corsicana, Texas, team’s journey to a 14th National Cheerleaders Association Championship last year, and Jerry has become the show’s popular standout. Naturally, Netflix is taking advantage.
In this promo clip posted Wednesday, they have Jerry in front of a random office building giving his best “mat talk” to folks as they arrive to work. What is “Mat Talk,” you ask? He described it to Ellen DeGeneres during a recent appearance as “giving encouragement to anybody that’s on the floor with you, and letting them know that you have somebody that’s looking out for you and wants to be there for you.”
Jerry from Cheer “mat talks” people arriving at work
— Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2020
Below, Jerry, his coach Monica Aldama and teammates Gabe and La’Darius on “Ellen.”