*It seems Nicole Murphy had a bit of aide in reportedly playing a role in the demise of LisaRaye’s marriage to former chief minister of Turks and Caicos, Michael Misick.
In the upcoming episode of “Uncensored,” LisaRaye explained how her former friend Duane Martin got close to Misick only to introduce him to other women.
The actress previously accused Nicole of “messing around” with her ex-husband while they were married. LisaRaye was married to Misick from 2003 til they called it quits in 2008.
Now she’s taking aim at Duane, here’s what she and her friends had to say about him below (via MadameNoire).
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LisaRaye: As my reign as First Lady [of Turks and Caicos] became busier and busier and I found my position, then he was doing a lot more traveling by himself. And I was staying home, speaking at a school or having an appearance or something. And [claps hands] really, to be quite honest, then he became friends with Duane Martin, which used to be one of my friends on “All of Us.” When I introduced them, that was one of the worst things I ever did.
Lynn Jeter, LisaRaye’s mentor said, “Duane Martin, for LisaRaye was a nemesis that was unbelievable. He was someone she trusted. Someone that she felt was her friend. Someone she had bonded with and none of that was true.”
LisaRaye: “Somehow within that relationship. I lost my husband to Duane Martin and they became better friends than what me and my husband did and I couldn’t understand that for the love of God.”
LisaRaye’s friend Kym Whitley chimed in to say, “Here’s the thing. We don’t know who ain’t gon be right in our life until they ain’t right. You gotta open your heart and trust people. And LisaRaye trusted Duane. This was her brother, best friend. But he went dirty on her, he did.”
LisaRaye: He became disrespectful with introducing my husband to different women and women that we actually knew as friends and associates.
Jeter said, “In Turks and Caicos, she opened up her home to him and he brought other women to her husband. Not a very spiritual or positive human being.”
LisaRaye: Yes, you know my dirt as my brother, my friend. But you my friend. I introduced you to him. What are you doing? I’m still kind of confused about that one. So needless to say, me and Duane don’t f*ck with each other at all. F*ck him. F*ck him.
You can watch the interview in the video below.
LisaRaye’s episode of “Uncensored” airs on Sunday, October 20 at 9 PM ET /8 PM Central only on TV One.