*Oh God, why did she have go be human? You know the orange a-hole in the White House is gonna eat up the news of his biggest rival (in his mind), Hillary Clinton, slipping on a huge stair case in India, like it’s a Big Mac.
Yep, unfortunately for Hillary she’s off to very bad start to her trip in India, because not only did she slip on the stars, she did it twice! And to her haters and Trump’s delight, it was all caught on tape.
Clinton is in India promoting her book. She was descending the stairs of the Jahaj Maha palace in Mandu when she slipped and almost went down hard, reports The Blast. Luckily, as you can see in the video abover, someone was guiding the former presidential nominee and caught her arm before tragedy struck. But then a couple of steps later, Clinton slipped again before kicking off her pair of sandals and cautiously walking down the final steps.
Huma Abeidin was trailing close behind, but did not offer any assistance.
Of course the world remembers the incident that happened to her when she was campaigning against Trump when she fell ill was being taken to her van where she stumbled. Trump made hay of the circumstance by using it against her in his presidential campaign, by making her health an issue. Clinton also broke her toe last October after tripping while “running down the stairs in heels.”
Dang Hillary, maybe you should use a scooter or something, although that won’t help her with steps. In any event, watch you step (or steps), Hillary!
Meanwhile, in other news, Clinton’s trip to India is evoking memories from her failed 2016 bid for president, as the Democrat makes headlines for blaming racism and misogyny for her loss while taking stumbles in front of the cameras.
During her appearance in India over the weekend, Clinton claimed she lost the 2016 presidential race in part because white women didn’t stand up to the men in their lives pressuring them to vote for Donald Trump.
“We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton said at a conference in Mumbai, India. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”
Clinton had been asked why about 52 percent of white women voted for Trump, despite the “Access Hollywood” tape showing him using vulgar language in the days before the election.
Interviewed on stage by India Today editor-in-chief Aroon Purie, Clinton accused Trump of running a “backwards” campaign that appealed to racists and misogynists.
“I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product,” Clinton said. “So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.”