*“Chad Loves Michelle” that premiere’s TONIGHT and will air every Saturday at 9/8c on OWN TV is Oprah Winfrey Network’s latest show to offer hope and inspiration. Destiny’s Child Michelle Williams and Faith-based leader Chad Johnson will share their stories leading up to the altar, having recently gotten engaged. Very little is off the table in their new docu-series, whether it’s their vow of celibacy or Williams’ heartfelt bouts with mental illness.
At a recent media luncheon, I asked Johnson and Williams if they had any trepidation sharing their lives with the world in a social media driven society where people can be very cruel?
“Wow, that’s a great question,” Johnson said. “You know, I think Michelle and I have kind of had to lock arms and lock eyes many times in this whole process and say, ‘as long as we’re good, it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks.’” Williams chimed in with, “Amen!”
Johnson went on to say, “So it’s forced us to have to really emphasize our connection and stay tight, and stay close.” Williams laughingly added, “And stay away from comments.” Laughing also, Johnson agreed. “And stay away from comments because people have a million opinions, and we know that what we’re doing is real.
“We know why we’re doing it. It’s because we want hope and inspiration and strength to hit every home that watches. We want to strengthen homes. I believe everything starts with the family. All change in society, I believe, starts at home. So for us, this is our way of opening up our lives, to impact homes as we’re being impacted.
We’re certainly not experts but we’re opening up our lives to allow you to see yourself in whatever we’re going through.”
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