*The Fibroid Foundation will host a reception and presentation on Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 5:30pm in the Penthouse of the new Columbia University Fertility Center at 5 Columbus Circle (1790 Broadway) in New York City. The Foundation is redefining the medical talk format, with fun, community engagement, good food and great information. Following a champagne reception, the Chief and Co-Director of the Columbia Obstetrics and Gynecology Department (Dr. Arnold Advincula and Dr. Jeannie Kim) will conduct a presentation on fibroids and treatment options.
Fibroid Treatment
The Fibroid Foundation is a global women’s health advocacy organization founded by fibroids patient, Sateria Venable in 2013. Sateria founded the organization as a frustrated fibroids patient in need of medical and holistic care to treat debilitating fibroids. What began as a blog, soon expanded to small forums, became a registered 501(c)3, and has developed a global network focused on this health concern that affects millions of women.
The numbers of fibroids patients is staggering – 80% of African American women have uterine fibroids, and 25% of all women in the United States will eventually be diagnosed with fibroids. Fibroids account for half of annual hysterectomies in the U.S. Only 10% of the hysterectomies performed on fibroids patients have been deemed necessary. Join The Fibroid Foundation on May 10th to help to #EraseTheStigma.
The mission
The Fibroid Foundation’s mission is to be the premier global community of Fibroids patients. At the heart of their mission is self-care, patient advocacy, and communicating the voice of “the patient” living with Uterine Fibroids.
Fibroid Treatment
They create and support initiatives that provide non-invasive treatment options and ultimately, a cure for fibroids. They also advocate for ongoing funding of patient sensitive fibroids research. Their international platform focuses on erasing the ‘Stigma of Silence’ around women’s menstrual issues, and minimizing treatment disparities with layered patient support.
For more details about the Fibroid Foundation, visit www.fibroidfoundation.org
Follow on social media:
Facebook – www.facebook.com/FibroidFoundation/
Twitter – www.twitter.com/FibroidFoun
Instagram – www.instagram.com/fibroidfoundation/
About the Face of Fibroids Campaign
July is Fibroids Awareness Month. The Fibroid Foundation will launch a Face of Fibroids global awareness campaign during Fibroids Awareness Month 2018.
About the Founder, Sateria Venable
Sateria Venable is a patient advocate who was diagnosed with fibroids in her 20’s. She has carved out a unique space in the medical world, and has been featured in the Huffington Post and in the Washington Post. Sateria’s fibroids journey prompted her to design and patent an undergarment which has become the basis of design for Comferie® Lingerie – a startup in development. Comferie® is (COMFortable LingERIE) for all women with a line designed for the heavy-flow (fibroids, maternity and incontinence) communities.
The Fibroid Foundation
[email protected]