*Well, well, well. This is not exactly in the category of “what’s done in the dark coming to light,” cause it was right out in the open when it went down
We’re referring to the fact that back in 2011 Chris Rock, Louis C.K. and Ricky Gervais had no problem showing off their skills with using the n-word on an HBO TV show. When it happened nothing happened … as far any kind of serious reaction. Well fast forward to today and it’s a whole ‘nother thing.
The HBO special that contained the incident was called “Talking Funny.” In it Chris Rock calls Louis C.K., “The blackest white guy I know,” which gets this response from Louis C.K., who asks, “You say I’m a n*****?”
Rock answered with a laugh, “You are the n—erest f—ing white man I have ever…”
At that point a discussion about the use of the n-word in comedy ensued. By the way, Jerry Seinfeld was also a part of the show, but spoke up and said he doesn’t use the word and never has.

C.K. mentions that he uses the N-word onstage, while Gervais and Seinfeld do not. Gervais then uses the word while explaining that he would not use it in his act.
“You’ve found the humor of it. I haven’t found it,” Seinfeld states. “Nor do I seek it.”
After the video resurfaced, many weighed in with criticism, including The Atlantic writer Jemele Hill.
“It’s quite clear that even if Chris Rock wasn’t born, Gervais and Louis CK were going to be using the n-word. Black people never have and never will give white folks ‘permission’ to call us that. That’s the jig. We get blamed for their use of it like they ever need our approval,” she tweeted.
She was responding to @RossRead, who tweeted: “Chris gets the most smoke for enabling them though. They looked real comfy thanks to him. You would’ve thought Seinfeld was from Harlem.”
Like we said, back in 2011 when it first aired, apparently nobody cared. That was then ’cause the clip is catching a lot of heat now.