*Actress Pam Grier revealed in her 2010 autobiography, “Foxy: My Life In Three Acts” that her relationship with NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had her feeling “humiliated” at times.
Grier detailed the many ways he mistreated her as a result of his Muslim faith, which, she says, is what ultimately caused them to call it quits.
As noted by ILOSM, Pam confirmed in her book that she and Kareem were in their 20’s when they decided to commit to a serious relationship; which ended after he converted to Islam and pressured Grier to change her life, the way she dressed, marry him and give up her Hollywood career.
Read below what she wrote about the time Kareem embarrassed her in front of his friends.
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Pam Grier: “One day, I awaited for my boyfriend-Kareem Abdul Jabbar in his Malibu home, he was returning from several road games and he was now a Muslim. When he came through the door with his friends (they had also converted), I ran up to hug him, he moved back, as if I had bad breath or a contagious skin disease. ‘Nice to see you, Pam,’ he said. And that was it.
Now that they had converted, they could speak to me, but there was no touching allowed. No intimate or personal conversations. In fact, I wasn’t supposed to speak to them at all, unless I was answering specific questions. I stood their awkwardly, when Kareem said in a quiet voice, ‘You’re supposed to leave the room now, Pam.’ I walked out of the room feeling upset and humiliated.”
Pam also recalled when Kareem became furious over her beach attire.
“Suddenly, Kareem was standing at the door to the bedroom grinning, ‘Can you make us some sandwiches?’ he asked. After I made the sandwiches, he said, ‘You have to go now, you can take your sandwich with you.’
I left and walked towards Malibu beach. I changed into a halter top and cutoffs. One of Kareem’s friends saw me and called him.
Kareem was irate when I got back home, and he read me the riot act about disgracing him on the beach. He said, ‘You have to be covered. Arms, legs, and head. Only your hands can be seen.’ Needless to say, our relationship didn’t last much longer after this incident.”
Pam said the final straw was when he told her, “If you don’t commit to me today, I’m getting married at 2:00 this afternoon. She’s a converted Muslim and she’s been prepared for me.”
Kareem responded to her claims in 2015, writing a lengthy statement on Facebook that read:
“Almost half a century ago I became a Muslim. Given my youth and newness to the religion, I embraced the most orthodox teachings because that’s what I was taught. But, like most people, my beliefs and practices evolved over time as I matured. Not many of us would like to be judged by our behavior in our youth. Not many of us can look back on things we said, thought, or did without cringing and wishing we could travel back in time to tell that younger version to wise up.
To set the record straight: I am still a Muslim. I have never regretted that decision. However, my views on what a Muslim is and how he or she should behave have gone through changes.”
According to Kareem, he and Pam didn’t break up because of his religious views.
“Pam and I parted as friends, and the reason we parted was not religion-based but career-based. She was a thriving actress who needed to live in Los Angeles and I was an NBA player living in Milwaukee. Like a lot of couples, we couldn’t make the long-distance relationship work.”
He added: “…To set the record straight: I don’t agree with a lot of things that the twenties Kareem believed. […] I no longer hold those orthodox views and haven’t for decades. […] Christianity itself has gone through several reformations over the centuries. Do most people practice the absolute word of their holy books, or do they practice the spirit?
While I admit to have done a few jerkish things in my twenties, let he or she who is without youthful jerkiness cast the first tweet.”
And there you have it.
Scroll up and watch Pam speak about Kareem in the clip above.