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*A judge has delivered more bad news to Vince Herbert. He’ll have to find the cash to pay for a Rolls Royce he couldn’t afford.
But First, Mary Harvey got bad news from a judge, too …
Mary’s massive, $60 million lawsuit against her ex-husband, entertainer Steve Harvey didn’t work out in her favor. Nope, not at all.
She sued for mental anguish and apparently, all she got was more of it. Mary says she was suicidal in the wake of their bitter divorce back in 2005. She even claimed Steve damaged her soul. She sued for child endangerment, torture, conspiracy against rights, kidnapping, murder, breach of contract and intentional infliction of emotional distress … and got nothing.
All Steve Harvey did was deny he did anything untoward to Mary.
In any event, the judge threw out her case, because it belonged in front of a judge in Texas … where the divorce was handled.
Bye, Mary.

In other news, a Florida judge has ordered Vince Herbert to pay more than $65,000 for a Rolls-Royce Wraith he leased and failed to make payments on. So much for trying to be a big baller without big baller money
Herbert fell so far behind on the vehicle that Manhattan Leasing Enterprises repossessed it. They were able to resell it, but since it was used, the company says it lost more than $62,000.
The bottom line is that somebody’s got to cover that loss and guess who? Yep, and the judge says that Vincent Herbert, who never responded to Manhattan Leasing will have to pay … and so the judge entered a default judgment.
TMZ reports that the leasing co. is now trying to collect the cash in California, where Vincent lives.
As Tamar might put it … get in line.