*Civil rights activist Najee Ali CEO of Project Islamic Hope and a coalition of community leaders calls for the immediate termination of Michael Selyem who is the lead San Bernardino County hard core gang prosecutor. Selyem is under internal investigation for a series of offensive posts on social media accounts that have now been deleted.
Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem, who joined the D.A.’s Office 12 years ago, targeted outspoken U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, former first lady Michelle Obama, Mexican immigrants and the victim of a police shooting in Facebook and Instagram posts.
Of Waters, Selyem said: “Being a loud-mouthed c#nt in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this bitch by now,” according to The San Bernardino Sun.
In an online argument with someone over the police shooting of a civilian, Selyem wrote, “That s—bag got exactly what he deserved. … You reap what you sow. And by the way go f— yourself you liberal s—bag.”
Selyem also posted a doctored picture of Michelle Obama holding a sign saying, “Trump grabbed my penis.”
Selyem, a 50-year-old resident of Placentia, is the lead attorney in a unit tasked with cracking down on criminal gang activity Many of those gangs are predominantly Latino. One of Selyem’s posts showed a man in a giant sombrero with the words, “Mexican word of the day: Hide.”

“District Attorney Mike Ramos needs to take seriously our calls for Selyem to be terminated. Selyem public comments are hateful and could be interpreted as a call to violence against Congressmember Waters.
Law enforcement personnel and officers of the court system should not incite violence.”
“How can a public prosecutor, who publicly espouses such views be trusted to impartially administer justice.” Stated Najee Ali of CEO of Project Islamic Hope.
According to his past posts Selyem apparently is an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump. Beneath a Facebook post offering free tickets to Trump’s presidential inauguration, Selyem wrote, “I love that all of you liberal f—–g p—–s are so filled with hate. Gonna be a long 8 years for you. And in another post he states.
“I am all for white males immigrating here legally and starting a business. It is the terrorist a–holes sneaking in here wanting to kill me an (sic) my family that I am opposed to. I cannot believe how shallow democrats are. They must really think people are stupid. I guess that is evident because they actually thought Hilary (sic) Clinton could win a presidential election… TWICE!!! LMFAO!!!”
There is no question that Selyem can’t be trusted to serve in the D.A. office. He must be terminated.” Stated Ali.
Press Conference
Monday July 9, 2018
Time : Noon
San Bernardino Prosecutors office.
303 West 3rd Street
San Bernardino CA.