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*“Lethal Weapon” star Damon Wayans has broken his silence on the exit of co-star Clayne Crawford, who was fired from the FOX series after revelations about two on-set incidents for which Crawford received reprimands.
The series was renewed for a third season this week, with Seann William Scott replacing Crawford, who played Martin Riggs opposite Wayans’ Roger Murtaugh. Scott will play Riggs’ brother in order to keep the Riggs and Murtaugh partnership.
Wayans tweeted a video and image showing the circumstances surrounding an injury he sustained from a piece of shrapnel during an episode Crawford was directing. Wayans set his account to private shortly after posting the tweets.
In the video, a small explosion can be seen behind Wayans as he stands near a pillar on set. He then jerks forward with a WTF expression and reaches his hand to his head as though it was struck. The image posted in the following tweet shows a cut on his head, which Wayans said was from the explosion.
“Now that the fate of the show is solidified…I’d like to address the TWITTER outrage with this video and image to follow,” Wayans wrote, referring to the backlash the show received online at the idea of its continuation without Crawford.
“How does shrapnel from this hit me on the opposite side of the head? #directedby@claynecrawford,” read the second tweet.
Wayans then posted the explanation he was presumably given for the incident. “Below is a rendering seeking to explain yesterday’s incident. It turns out there was a second shooter, to Damon’s left, on the other side of the pillar behind which his character was crouched, which accounts for what he heard from his left side. @claynecrawford #noapology.”
Wayans added in further tweets that Crawford “became uninsurable” and “relished in making female[s] cry,” and posted an image of a sticker he says could be seen around the lot, which bears the phrase “Clayne Crawford is an emotional terrorist” with an image of Crawford. He also alleged that Crawford “hit another actor in the mouth with a bottle of green tea and busted his mouth open.”
View Wayans tweets in the video above.